Online classes and COVID-19

Online classes for the week starting March 30, 2020

Dear Members,

These are unprecedented times we are living through. Like all “non-essential” businesses in Cambridge, we were forced to close on March 21st by the city in hopes that keeping people at home would stop the spread of the novel coronavirus and the outbreak of the COVID-19 respiratory illness that is sweeping through the entire world right now. Governor Baker extended than ban statewide shortly thereafter, and then mandated a statewide “Stay at Home” order.

With everyone, including families and kids, stuck at home, we experimented last week with hosting online classes and workouts via our Facebook Group and the video-conferencing platform Zoom. We learned a lot in the process and we will try to provide classes going forward as follows:

Monday, Wednesday, Friday
4pm kids all levels, 4:45 pm adults all levels

Saturdays 1:30 pm
Stretching with Sean

Facebook Live can be viewed in our members-only Facebook group, which can be joined here:

Zoom classes can be joined with our school meeting ID number or link. Email us for that information as it is important that be kept private, to prevent “zoombombing” (disruption by non-members).

With our online classes we hope to help in several ways:

  1. Regular exercise is especially important for those “cooped up” and not getting their usual level of activity.
  2. Sitting in front of the computer or TV all day will make you stiff and anxious.
  3. A taekwondo workout is good stress relief, and the news these days can really be stressful!
  4. Social isolation can be difficult mentally and physically. Joining in a group activity online can lessen the isolation and help with mental and emotional wellbeing as well as physical health.
  5. Online taekwondo practice will help your skills not to deteriorate while the pandemic is keeping you out of the dojang.
  6. It’s fun!

In addition to our Facebook Page and Facebook Group, you can also follow the school on Instagram or on Twitter!