Frequently Asked Questions about Taekwon-do

Frequently Asked Questions about Taekwon-do

Explore the frequently asked questions about Taekwon-do and our school, along with detailed answers to provide you with comprehensive insights into the martial art and our unique offerings as well as the distinctive teaching methodology of Grandmaster Jae H. Kim. Delve into the wealth of information below to gain a deeper understanding of what sets our Taekwondo school apart and how it can benefit you on your martial arts journey.

frequently asked questions

Answering questions!

We encourage individuals to reach out with any questions or inquiries if you cannot find your answer in our FAQs. We value your curiosity and are here to offer clarity and assistance. Feel free to send us your queries, and we’ll do our best to provide the information you’re seeking. We value your involvement and dedicate ourselves to provide the information necessary for you to improve your experience with us.


Category: Testing

If you or your child is prepared to undergo testing, we will furnish a testing application. Registration for testing is restricted to individuals who demonstrate genuine proficiency in the specified criteria and are fully prepared. This policy aims to avoid unwarranted disappointment resulting from failure and to reduce test anxiety to a minimum.

Category: Testing

Yes, we do have a timeline plan from white belt to black belt. The report includes past promotion tests and projects future test dates. Keep in mind that projected dates are estimates, and the actual date depends on your readiness. This report takes approximately 30 minutes to generate, and a fee may apply. Feel free to inquire at the Front Desk for more details.

Category: Testing

Promotion tests occur approximately every other month, and it is advised that students only attempt the test when they feel adequately prepared. Attending Forms Class is the most effective way to prepare quickly. For KIDS who cannot attend the Friday Forms class due to scheduling constraints, the test material will be incorporated into regular class sessions as the testing date approaches. The test for each belt level encompasses fundamental movements, a distinct form corresponding to the level, and a set of One Step Movements. Beyond the yellow belt, the test also incorporates no-contact sparring.

Category: Testing

How quickly a student moves is dependent on how often that student trains and how diligently. Some prodigies advance quickly through the ranks while others do not hurry to master each level. Every 4-6 weeks there is a promotion test which some number of students will elect to take. At the lower ranks, tests come quickly, but as the ranks advance, the techniques to be demonstrated on the test increase in difficulty and take more practice to master. On average, an adult student who is training moderately three times a week without long periods of time off for injury or sabbatical, may expect to gain their black belt in about the same amount of time as an undergraduate degree. At our school we encourage our students to constantly be challenging themselves and improving. Those who are driven to advance will be given the chance to, while those who prefer a slower pace will still derive the benefits of a great workout and increased ability.

Category: Testing

The duration before taking the next promotion test varies based on the belt level, individual readiness, and age. Younger children, older individuals, and those with disabilities may require additional time. For instance, testing for Yellow Stripe generally takes 2 to 4 months, while Red Belt may take 6 months to a year. As an example, a 5-year-old might need 6 months to a year to be ready for Yellow Stripe.

Category: Testing

Yes, there is a testing fee for regular members. However, individuals committed to their Taekwondo progress and aiming for a black belt are encouraged to join the Black Belt Program. In this program, tests are provided free of charge for all participating members.

Category: Testing

Yes, we can provide an attendance report that includes a grade and details the weekly attendance rate for you or your child.

Category: Testing

Certainly, we offer an attendance report that provides a letter grade based on your attendance compared to your potential.

Category: Testing

Our school upholds elevated standards, which are stricter compared to many others. The stringency may vary based on your child’s belt level. Merely knowing the forms is insufficient; they must be executed with precision and power. Delays may also stem from behavioral considerations, a crucial aspect of personal development. Collaborate with our instructors to address these issues and ensure comprehensive progress.